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Centrum Ksztalcenia EDUKATOR Sp. z o.o.
CK Edukator is a private company operating in the area of training and vocational counselling. It is based in Rzeszów and was established in 07.2013 in the form of a limited liability company. The company employs highly qualified trainers and advisers, insisting on having their high qualifications (part of the staff are university lecturers with a PhD) and a very rich experience in training (training implementers are often among the various associations of trainers). The main subject area of training and advice are entrepreneurship, managing on labour market and computer service training. In the first dimension, the institution has organized training in entrepreneurship, accounting and finance, and information technology for more than 120 participants. CK Edukator is experienced in organizing training courses (technical and logistic aspects, substantive content).

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